Friday, May 05, 2006

ivac conference coming...


2more days to prepare for ivac conference!...the number of comments...but..its "not bad" la..lolz...having rehearsal now...but 2bad 4me i cant make it to the opening chess training at 9th kolej...darn...btw,i will be the group fascilitator and master of ceremony(MC)..not master of ceremony...there r 2 types of emcees~!..*confusing* im just praying hard that hopefully manymanymany participants will turn up...i need miracle!...we've tried our best,GOD will do the rest.....IF WE THINK WE CAN...WE CAN~!


Iced Skeleton said...

ivac was really fun :)
looking forward to a "post mortem" post on what you think about it :)

am going to write about mine soon *grins*
thank you for the memories!

Iced Skeleton said...

ivac was really fun :)
looking forward to a "post mortem" post on what you think about it :)

am going to write about mine soon *grins*
thank you for the memories!