Saturday, October 08, 2005

stress... supposed 2b asleep now...but sien leh...gota wake up eli tmr...coz gota balik um early in the morning...chess tourney starting at 8.30am~!..its been sucha loooooooooooooooooooong time since i last touched chessbooks all grow fungus d..haha..its a BIG tourney tho tmr...selection for GACC(grand asean chess championship)...which will be held at the end of the yr?...i guess so lar...looking forward 2it~!...hopefully can represent um..=]...nyway...tmr n sat i will be fully occupied...tourney mer...then org EXAM~!!...arrghhh~!!!!...not reli prepared tho...i sacrified "cc movie" on thurs...just 2 study 4 bio org...coz i know fri will be a super busy day time 2 study~!..just pray hard that everything will turn out just fine..=]...finals will start on 12th nov i think....til end of nov..then!!!!!!!!!!!...yayay~! still thinking how 2study titas & sej dan fals sc...tension...and maths~!..nyway...wish me all d best~!..bye

1 comment:

Jul said...

hello gerald. julie here :) still into chess huh? hope everythings good. time flies so fast. already my turn to take stpm. hehe.